August 1, 2008


Hey, it's been a long time, isn't it? How have you been?? Are you melting because of heat? I'm melting a little. By the way, I'm having hot and fun summer vacation now. But I have sad things. They are that exchange students are leaving Japan. Eight of them already left here. I don't want them to leave...

Let's change the topic. So, what are you doing during this summer vacation? In my case, I'm going to work as usual, to go back home, go to short trip, and to drink alcohol. It's not bad, but not good. Oh, I've finally got my own iPod about 2 weeks ago, so I'm going to listen to my favorite musics everyday!! Yay! And I'm going to a Korean drama which I've been wanted to watch since 6 months ago. I guess, I have lots of things to do including chilling at home and hanging out with friends.

Speaking of my favorite musics, I know a nice band! They are "The Fray". Do you guys know this band? I attached one of their songs, "How To Save A Life".

Have you ever heard this song? I think, you have. The Fray is a Grammy Award-nominated four-piece piano rock band from Denver in the state of Colorado, the US, and is formed in 2002 by schoolmates. Most of fans of The Fray like this song. Anyway, don't miss it! Their songs are sweet!

I have to sleep a lot and chill out tomorrow. :P

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