July 13, 2008

BR 1-09: Stories of Dragons

I read "Stories of Dragons". I couldn't get the picture of this book, but the cover of this book is nice, so I chose this book for book review. This book is formed by 4 chapters. Today, I willl talk about one of them, "Stan and the dragon".

Stan is a woodcutter, and he lives in a forest with his wife. They have no child, so they want children. One day, he met a wizard and then, he has got 100 children. But he has no money to take care of them. His friends taught him to get dragon's treasure, so hwe went for adventure. He didn't meet the dragon, but dragon found him. He cheated to defeat the dragon, and finally, he got the treasure. He could take care of his children.

I recommend this book to you to read because this is so nice! You can understand the contents easily and enjoy!

[152 words]

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