November 28, 2008

My job

Now it's 5th period, and I'm working as an assistant in a class at building 14. Actually, I'm not allowed to do something for fun, but the class is really boring and easy to work. I have almost nothing to do in the class.

My job, as I said above, is assistant in classes which students use computer. I began this job when I became sophomore. Everyone can get this job if you apply for this on December. When I found this job last year, I applied for this job immediately. I tried to make my friends to work with me, but no one accepted because they weren't interested in the job. So I felt like I'm sure there's no friends in workplace, and the job must be boring. However, when a meeting which is for people who applied for the job was held, I found a few friend, I felt really happy because I don't have to be negative any more.

Now, the form to apply for this job is announced in the e-campus center's homepage. Whoever wants to work here can apply for this job, and it's really easy to get it. (Here is the link.) The Eibei students are needed because some classes use not only PC but also English at the same time like writing class. So shall we work??

[222 words]

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