April 29, 2008

April 28th, 2008

Today, English Lounge finally started again! I joined it on fifth period, but it was just for 30 minutes. I had part-time job as usual today, so I had to leave English Lounge at 5:00pm. However, I had good time in it. I didn't speak too much today, but we played a game. I hope people who came English Lounge had fun today. I'm supposed to work it on fourth period on Wednesday, so I have to make people have fun! I know, it's difficult to do that, but I'll try to do that.

As I said above, I had job today. It started at 6:45pm. Although today was Monday, many customers came my restaurant. Today's job was really hard because there were only 4 members in the hall of restaurant include me. We were hectic today...I think we are exhausted right now.
I pissed off right now because a customer group were still in the restaurant after the close time! They kept us waiting for 45 minutes!! I can't explain about it well... that's it.

I'm going to the dorm tomorrow afternoon to hang out with Korean. And I have to tell about taking picture of pamphlet of Eibeigakka. Sato-sensei told me about this. We need one more Japanese girl and two more foreigners who are man and woman. I do have to tell about this to two of international students as soon as possible, because I do have to tell the member to Sato-sensei no later than 5:00pm on April 30. I don't have enough time to ask about it to foreigners because of tomorrow's the holiday. That's why I have to go to the dorm tomorrow.

I'm hungry right now, and I have to take a shower right now.
See you tomorrow!

(314 words)

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