May 9, 2008

Study for Test of English as a Foreign Language!

Today, I studied TOEFL in the library of KGU with two of my friends till 11:00pm. We just planned it yesterday. Therefore, today was the first day to do that. I think, we must be tired, but we had good time.

As I said, we planned it yesterday. We need to study for TOEFL a lot because we are going to apply the exchange exam this year. One of the conditions to pass the exam is that how much do I have the score of TOEFL. Of course, enthusiasm for study abroad is more important than the score, I guess, but sure enough, score is important as same as the enthusiasm. That's why, we started studying TOEFL today.

We are going to study it every Thursday at 7:30pm to 11:00pm. Today was just three people who studied it include me, but we are going to keep studying till July. I have three opportunities to take TOEFL during this semester. I have to get higher score... I know, it is really hard to get it. But I can do it because I started studying with them! Between you and me, I already started studying it by myself, but I was tired to do that... so it was freaking fun for me that I studied it with friends.

Oh! it's almost 3:00am right now! I have to sleep! I will study TOEFL tomorrow as well, but I'm not going to be in the library tomorrow. Maybe I'm going to be in my house. We can do it!

[263 words]

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