June 8, 2008

Good Rice!

Yeah, I've got a little bit of rice today! How? All right, I'm going to tell you about it briefly.

Today, I had the job from 6:30pm to 11:00pm. And the restaurant always saves the rest of rice for tomorrow before we close the restaurant. But today, the staff in kitchin made too much rice, so we can't save all of them. And then, the owner said to me, "Hey Nakamura-kun! Do you want some of these??" I said YES quickly. That's why I could get the rice.

The rice is Koshihikari, so the rice is pretty good! Tastes good, and smells good. Yeah, I think so.

Anyway, I'm happy right now. I can have a good meal time with the rice once or twice.

[133 words]


Anonymous said...

thats pretty nice:)
keep good working,then u can get more rice then!!!
...well, no way:P

Takashi Shimojyo said...

I envy you!!!
I can only get Mcdonal's.
And it is unhealthy...